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Welcome to Grade 8 Social Studies!


If you are familiar with the Manitoba curriculum for grade 8 social studies, you'll know that it's focus is on history from the beginning of time up until the mid 1800's. 


There will be multiple opportunities to compare and contrast the societies and civilizations of the past to the current world based on the point of view of the students. 


The course began with an overview of what history is, how we view the world,what societies consist of,and the concept of chronology and passing time. 


Evaluation: Evaluation will be in the form of assignments, quizzes, unit tests, and project participation and completion.


Please read the course outline for more information regarding assignment policy.










Report Card Mark Breakdown

Social Studies

Homework Assignments………………………………………………………………………. 10%

In-Class Projects/Participation and Contribution (class discussions, etc.) 20%

Tests/Quizzes.……………………………………………………………………………………. 40%

Exam (term 1: grade 7, term 2: grade 8).....……… 30%

Total……………………………………………………………………………………………………... 100%


Student Projects:

Grade 8 Social Studies Student Lessons and Assignments Week of March 23-27

Be sure to use the "World History" texbook and class notes to guide you.

Chapter 7: Ancient Greece Class Notes

Monday, March 23: Greece Vocabulary

Due Date: Friday, March 27

Monday, March 23:Lesson #1

Watch the following video: 

This will give you an overview of Ancient Greece.

Wednesday, March 25: Lesson #2 

Ancient Greece Geography

Watch the following video:


Print out the following PDF's, follow the instructions carefully, and complete the map.

Due Date: Friday, March 27. 

Click the following link to print some colouring pages: 

No due date. 

Grade 8 class: Please complete the Ancient China textbook questions if you have not yet done so. If you have completed it on paper, you can scan or take a pic and send it to me. Below is a digital copy. 

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